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Who is behind the ReRun

Updated: May 5, 2021

The ReRun is and always will be by the community for the community, my opinion is always that there isn't one person behind it all. Starting the ReRun is something I am proud to take credit for and I have a huge passion to bring to fruition all the goals I have set. Although I may responsible for many aspects, all of those goals depend on us as a community.

My name is Gary, I have lived in Burton for 22 of my 35 years on the planet, long enough to possibly be stuck here forever! I've called Horninglow, Stapenhill and Town home, there is still time to try more but not yet I've only just got the man cave and garage set up how I want it, oh and the kids school or something too!

My long suffering partner of 20 years has stood by me through thick and thin, truly my rock. She has to put up with me spending hours working in the garage and really understands my passion. Her own passion is running a sling and reusable cloth nappy library which she has done for over 8 years, connecting families and the community along the way and probably already made a huge dent in reducing landfill before I had even got my act together.

I have 3 amazing children, the oldest is a walking encyclopaedia mostly open on pages about WW2 aeroplanes and is attached to his pc where he builds said aircraft then blasts his mates out of the sky in theirs. My middle child is a creative genius who I am convinced could provide power for the whole town if I could just harness her ceaseless, unlimited, relentless energy. The youngest is my chief informant and keeps me up to date with everything!

I have worked as an electrician, a landscaper, general handyman, domestic appliance repairs, tech sales, supervised auction rooms and lead teams in warehousing and retail. I've learned how most of the things around us are made, sold, delivered, installed, serviced and disposed of. My wide variety of experience has allowed me to hold a unique set of skills, unlike Liam Neeson, this wont be much use if a loved one gets kidnapped, however, I feel I have lead a life leading to this point.

I know how to set this up for success, I also know I haven't finished learning! Every spare moment is spent absorbing more information, how to animate, how to use social media effectively, machining and tooling, injection moulding. Luckily there is tons of material available on YouTube and the Precious Plastic organisation based in Holland has lots of open source designs available for all the machinery needed.

The recently purchased shredder unit is a Precious Plastic design, this meant that someone had already laser cut all of the parts and we were able to save a huge amount of money over purchasing a full sized industrial model. I'm very excited to be showing you the set up soon, I'll be making another time lapse video of the process too! Being able to shred has made a massive difference to me, we are still fundraising for the right gearbox and motor to run the shredder. Currently I feed cartons into the machine very carefully one at a time with a home brew pulley mechanism pulled by a washing machine motor. Time consuming indeed, but the results are fantastic, storage is massively improved with far more weight in a single sack plus the results when melting and combining colours is brilliant.

Because I am so content with the results I am happier to not keep banging on about fundraising and let the project grow organically, I have every faith it is possible and the idea of growing from waste alone really excites me and energises me to deliver!

I cannot wait to show you all what I make and do next, every second I am working on the project brings me so much joy, the fruits are coming!

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